Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The new XX Joint!!!

The new XX joint is out!  I give it a solid "meh", it's not terrible, and sounds identical to their last one.

Those John Peel sessions are what are killing me... I've found live sets from Godspeed, Boards of Canada, Can, Faust, Syd Barrett... there is a  show from 1976 where Peel is trying to get his head around what "punk" is exactly, with live set from The Damned.  Yo, that's like 6 of 400+.  Goldmine.  Good lookin', Igor


1 comment:

Igor said...

I have to actually dig into more of these- I went straight to the New Order episode, but I haven't listened to any others. The one where he's trying to figure out what punk is sounds like a real mind-blowing time-capsule moment. Gotta hear that!