Friday, February 17, 2012


I'm really feeling "Growing" lately. Color Wheel (2006) is a stand out, and their Black Dice-esque "Pumps" got lots of props when it came out (2 years ago? 1 year ago?)

Mainly posting this to point out they have a bunch of live shows up on Spotify, first time I've seen that. I don't think these are "live" releases that a label put out and now Spotify is distributing, i think it is more like a bootleg of a live show that the band put up there (that they are getting paid for). Kind of huge if bands had that ability to post live shows easily and get paid for listens (although, as discussed, the band is getting peanuts from Spotify... but still...)

If you like Growing I might also suggest this guy/band that Rootless tipped me off to, Jason Urick and his LP "I Love You". It's pretty good, it has a similar sonic palette as Growing: dissonant/distorted but with melodic ambiance on top.


the Chizzle


Igor said...

Listening to PUMPS! now. Camera '84 is a good track.

rootless said...

word up, I tipped you off to Growing too, right?