Thursday, July 16, 2009

Prefuse 73

I found this new Prefuse 73 EP, “The Forest of Oversensitivity” on a blog somewhere and downloaded it in a weekend of flurry of massive downloads. It may have been on that same blog I got all those Dead Kennedys records from?

I grabbed it with low expectations mainly to see what Prefuse sounds like these days (I've been turned off by the last few albums that all sound the same to me), but this one has really stood out and I have come back to it many times. It’s 5 songs, all with a similar vibe. They all have lots of vocals (although bugged out and effected to point of becoming more sound than lyrics). The whole thing is kind of melancholy and introspective, it's been real good for commutes into the city. It’s definitely a good-n and worth checking out.

I felt/feel bad about downloading it, though, after seeing this great interview with dude where he is talking about how he has to move out of his apartment in Brooklyn Heights because it costs too much. He also speaks to the general state of music industry and downloading, etc. It’s cool interview, check it out, since that has been the other ongoing topic of discussion on this (coming up on year old) blog.

At one point he is basically saying that the time is right for a musical revolution because, as the “well is dry” and record company money isn’t there anymore, artists will stop “chasing that dollar” and make music based on the art they want to create, not necessarily what will sell.

Also, the cover would look great on your record wall (or desk top, I guess) next to the new Dinosaur Jr. CD and that Bo Hansson LOTR jam.



Gabino said...

Fighting the urge to do a post on "Tales from Topographic Oceans"

Deezy maybe you should do some remote recording from the Yoda house next year.

EJ said...

yeah! that's why the WWALT blog is the shit. you have a link to the download?

DC said...

nope... i think if you go back to that Weird Al post and click thorugh to the Dead Kennedys link and then search around you'll find it?

DC said...

Just kidding, it must have been somewhere else. I'll yousendit it, maybe?

EJ said...

thanks man, hook it up.

i checked out that LOTR thing too...awesome.

also found a weird european (i think) blog all about Strata East...

rootless said...

hit me with that album, please. I'll check that interview out, I'm interested in that whole debate, we are living through interesting times, creative destruction at work, messy but I think generally a good thing.