Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Rainy Day Record

This isn't new, and it may not be a revelation to many of you, but damn! That first Lupe Fiasco record is the shit! I'm sharing this because it's raining here, and I remember a discussion of rainy day music in these very (cyber)pages.

It started raining here in Derby City a little before midnight, and as of now (8 pm), it hasn't stopped for a minute. The ground is already totally saturated, and all the water is running off my yard and across the concrete pad by my garage. I drive 50 miles each way to work, including a ten mile stretch called the Joe Prather that cuts through the south edge of Fort Knox between 65 and the Dixie Highway. This is a beautiful stretch of road, and it gets very moody in the mists and cold rains of autumn.

Anyway, this evening I pulled out my copy of Food and Liquor ("I think the world, and everything in it, is made up of a mix of two things: you got your good, and your bad, you got your food, and your liquor."), and slammed it all the way home. It's heavy on strings, which is usually not a good thing with beats, but it completely works here . . . maybe the bittersweet of the strings is what makes it a rainy day album. The rhymes are killer as well.

I wasn't as crazy about Lupe's second album, but Food and Liquor remains one of my favorites. If you find it anywhere, give it a couple listens, maybe on a rainy day. You won't be sorry.

Well, it's been that kind of day. Maybe I'll have some cough syrup, go to bed early, and drift off while reading Swann's Way. Somnambulance rules. Next time I'll try to come up with something new.


rootless said...

I like that album, and I like the misty rainy landscape you're talking about, don't normally associate hip hop with rainy day records, but why not? I got a hip hop post I am going to drop, dont' steal it from me DC. And speaking of which, where is the DC post on the Dodos show last night? Pretty cool.

Bill Zink said...

I don't normally associate hip hop with rainy day records either, but I swear it works. It's kinda downbeat, I guess. I hope that Lupe returns to this level next time out.