Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Interregnums was the “bonus disc” with Prefuse 73’s latest joint, Preparations. Preparations was kind of… meh, like anything after One Word Extinguisher. I mean, how much of that kind of shit do you need? But this bonus disc, a full 52 minutes long, is what really stood out.

Interregnums is all orchestral compositions: strings, clarinets, piano melodies and xylophones, and some ambient electronic elements, but mostly straight ahead orchestral pieces with free jazzy dissonance thrown in at times. No beats or drums anywhere on it. Anyone who has listened to Savath and Savalas (worthy of its own blog post, no doubt) know that Scott Herren is deeper than just “glitch hop” or whatever they call Prefuse 73.

This is excellent for rainy days, post-break ups, and late night introspection. It goes well with red wine, cappuccinos, and clove cigarettes. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.



T.J. said...

Sounds great. Scott Herren is almost always on some ill shit. I'll definitely check it out...

EJ said...

i highly endorse this post and couldn't agree more. this comment was endorsed and approved by Barak Obama.

shadow of shathragot said...

Glitch hop is a perfect word for Prefuse. I tried listening to one of the discs after Extinguisher and couldn't do it. I dig more pop sounding electronica. I need song based grooves.