Thursday, October 21, 2010

Attack of the . . . Sloth?!

This song has been absolutely killing me for over a week now.  Sorry, no video, song only:

This has officially made my list of best guitar solos ever. Not sure where on the list, exactly, but it's there.  Actually, the guitar is great all through this album (Die Healing).

This is dedicated to everyone who thought the Stonehenge scene in Spinal Tap would have been even funnier with a full-size Stonehenge.

Now excuse me while I mainline fish oil and ginkgo biloba in a desperate attempt to reclaim a fraction of the brain cells wasted listening to Saint Vitus records.


Gabino said...

I give it an 11, out of ten! You had me at Sloth...

Bill Zink said...

Hilarious! When the song title popped up on my car CD player, I just thought that it was a doomy song about one of the seven deadly sins, but no! It's about the animal! I think it would have been a brilliant Monty Python skit: "Look out! Here comes the evil sloth!" "Why, it's only 100 yards away! We've got to run!" "Okay, but first let's finish lunch, shall we?"

Gabino said...

Whenever someone asks me my Zodiac sign, I tell them I was born under the sign of the Sloth.