Saturday, October 4, 2008


The recent post about DJ Shadow and the recent comments about the glory of the Nuggets compilations reminded me about a series of compilations put out by a fellow who calls himself Cherrystones.  Maybe he doesn't actually refer to himself as Cherrystones, but that is the name that he puts on the records.  This one, entitled Rocks, consists of artists from the U.S., Brazil, Turkey, Sweden, Germany, and probably other places, too, and they are all "psych and progressive gems of the 60's and early 70's."  The reason that the DJ Shadow post reminds me about this is that the first track on the comp is one that DJ Shadow sampled on Endtroducing.  I will post this track for your listening pleasure.  It is called Love Love Love, and it is by a Swedish band named Pugh.  In case you are interested, the other Cherrystones comps are called Hidden Charms and Word.

1 comment:

DC said...

I got that Pugh joint on eBay a few years ago, the LP is called "Ja Da a Da" I think. It was like $60 bucks. Then, I sold it a few months later on eBay for $60 bucks. It was then that I realized that buying a rare record for top dollar is not nearly as special as finding it, even if it is busted up, for a $1.00 in some random Flea Market.