Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recent Finds

Laughing Hyenas, absolutely ferocious stuff. This is a twofer of their best albums, I guess there is other stuff on Touch and Go that some might prefer but I think these hold up remarkably well and are worth checking out. You can hear the home town (Ann Arbor) influences and a little Birthday Party flavor. They were killer live.

Also came across this Flying Nun Records box set, most things I've heard from NZ(The Clean, Chills) I thought were pretty great so I grabbed it and so far it's a blast. A zillion bands I've never heard of playing thoughtful and well executed Garage/ Pop/Indie type stuff. A really good set, and it must be some limited edition package or something because it goes for $200 on Amazon. Grab it here.

1 comment:

Bill Zink said...

Loved the Hyenas. RIP Larissa.