Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snakes For the Divine

If you are feeling a lack of double bass drums and sick metal rhythm sections in your life, try the new High on Fire record.  I listened to it early this morning, and it inspired me to clean the house.  That is powerful shit.   I suggest headphones if you have a cat.

I've also been listening to Moon Duo a bit.

I got this link on pitchfork - DON'T CALL THE WEB SHERIFF -

Moon Duo is one or two people from Wooden Shjips. See>>>

Most of the other stuff I've been listening to lately is old/classic/inappropriate for the blog.  That said, I must comment on Moby Grape.  Yes, they are classic, but I had never listened to them before.  One of you guys posted about phrockblog awhile ago.  It seems that they no longer exist, but recently they had posted a ton of Moby Grape, so it inspired me to check them out.  I don't know why I never listened to them before.  They are so bandly.  I imagine them playing live, and I get all excited.  Shit is dope.

After a quick Wikipedia search, I learned that one of them was Alexander "Skip" Spence.  A few years ago, a friend of mine lent me his record "Oar" because he thought I would like it.  He was right.  I did like it, but I never bothered to find out more about his background.  It turns out that Mr. Spence suffered a mental breakdown like others from that era.  Immediately before recording "Oar" he had been commited to a mental hospital.  Sad indeed.  The Moby Grape albums and Skip Spence's "Oar" are fine recordings.

That's all for now.


Gabino said...

All great stuff. Haven't checked out the new High On Fire but I love them. My opportunities to crank some metal have been greatly reduced the last couple years of my life but I always try to make some headphone time for such things. That Moon Duo sounds interesting also, Wooden Shjips was pretty cool.

That Phrock blog is sorely missed, by me anyway. Haven't heard all that later Moby Grape years but if memory serves none are as good as that first one. I've got to listen to that Skip Spence today.

DC said...

I like that Skip Spence Joint. One album i've been meaning to shout out is "The Visit" by Bob Smith. Least rock star-y artist name ever. So good, old psychy LP. You would dig it.

Pete said...

Wooden Shjips is the Shjit! Thanks!


Who You Gonna Call
Tel 44-(0)208-3238013
Fax 44-(0)208-3238080

Hey Jim / WWALT,

Someone called us with a report of a recent 'disturbance' in the neighbourhood !!



Gabino said...

Back in action!