OK, so maybe "face melting" was a little strong, but here's the DC Loocha 2010 year end wrap up.
Best Old School Thing I learned about this year: Relatively Clean Rivers. http://whatwearelisteningto.blogspot.com/2010/03/relatively-clean-rivers.html. My man Record Mike tipped me off to these guys saying he heard a RCR influence in the Monastics. Well, I'm not feeling that, especially, but it did get me running to Captain Crawl pretty quick, and the result was huge. Top shelf borderline cheese garage, CSNY-wannabe, Skip Spence level shit. So good. Some solid gold bangers on here, best song of all time category, especially "Hello Sunshine" which is my kids' favorite song of all time. PLUS, an OG copy of the vinyl sold on eBay for almost fucking $800 dollars ?!?!?!?!?! Check it out. That shit's crazy. You know what that breaks down to on a per-song basis?!?! But it's totally worth it. If i stumbled on this randomly in a thrift shop somewhere my fucking brain would have exploded.
Best catch phrase of 2010: "Stay Liquid"
Most epic vinyl score: Meh, I'll say that Eno box set I got at a Garage Sale 4/25 but i reserve the right to renig on that statement.
Most poignant question asked in 2010: "Do you think Devo got a lot of ass back in the day?"
Best Album of 2010: Best album that came out in 2010? I don't even know, I feel like I'm kind of out of touch on the Pitchfork/Rolling Stone level of shit, so I'll go with the last Deerhunter album, that's a pretty sure bet. It was very very good.
Best New Thing I Scored: I'm going to go with that live Emeralds bootleg from 10/4, I'm a big fan and those recordings sound great and the shows were intense. http://whatwearelisteningto.blogspot.com/2010/10/live-emeralds.html
Best band of 2010: I'm going to say, pound for pound, as far as number of plays in iTunes and true happiness a band brought me in 2010, I gotta go with Das Racist as my #1 band of 2010. After initially being like "Is this too jokey for me?" I very quickly got on board, and proceeded to listen to both of those mix tapes 1,000,000 times. Pretty much all the way through every time, too. And really, every time it starts, I get a little bounce in my step and a smile on my face and a nod in my head. "Who's that? Brown - Brown-B- Br- B- Browwwn!!!" That shit is awesome. Fave band of 2010.
First place I ever heard of Die Antwoord: My man "CS" on 6/25. http://whatwearelisteningto.blogspot.com/2010/06/die-antwoord.html
Most epic mind blowing shit of 2010: That Justin Bieber slowed-down/Sigor Ros sounding ambient thing. That was insane. The fact that something that beautiful and intense could be extracted from a 2 1/2 minute slice of throw away pop. After a minute I was like "hahaha, it sounds like Sigor Ros!" Then at 4 1/2 minutes I was like "Wow, this is actually really good!" and at the 15 minute mark I was like "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY! I FEEL SO GOOOD! BOO HOO HOO HA HA HA!!"
Happy Merry.
I still want a recording of that Justin Bieber ambient thing. Anyone have one? My face is still here, unmelted, but that was okay.
I'm glad my question got to your soul, Money. Early New Year's resolution: Let's fondly let go of "back on the day" and all get mad ass in two thousand aught eleven! Peace.
I'm glad my question got to your soul, Money. Early New Year's resolution: Let's fondly let go of "back on the day" and all get mad ass in two thousand aught eleven! Peace.
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