Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Buddy Miller "The Best of the Hightone Years"

Don't know if Buddy's been discussed here before, but if you're not familiar with him I recommend you become so. I've seen him a few times, but finally downloaded a record "The Best of the Hightone Years" from emusic. He writes tons of songs with his wife Julie that are recorded by just about every "country" act of note--generally good country, not crap country. His own performances are, I think, much better. He's also kind of character and half (check out the Townes documentary). As I age, I develop a soft spot for some of this high-brow country shit (Miller, Lucinda, even Dolly Parton's more "authentic" records).


Gabino said...

I think this might be the 1st country post, interesting to see the replies. Don't know him but will check him out,the guy I've been playing with recently is a big Steve Earle nut, So I've been on bit of a high brow country kick lately. Of course I have a huge fondness for the old shit kicker stuff and Hank and the like, though it's all definitely better after you've hadafew.

DC said...

not the biggest country guy. I like old school blue grass and would take any of that if anyone here still trades music in the blog age.