Monday, December 14, 2009

Jack Rose-RIP

I've been away for a few days and my man EJ let me know the bad news that Jack Rose died. Before I say anything about that, WTF? I have the last two posts up here, then DC , then EJ, it's like a Monastics forum, I hope some other people chime in.

Anyway, just gotta give a shout out to Jack Rose who was one of my favorite guitar players, a guy whose albums I would listen to late night; you can't go wrong with "Opium Musick" or "Raag Manifestos"; I could listen to those albums every day, they are as natural as breathing, just an idea of music. He is from the Jack Fahey school of open-tuning guitar music that is frequently improvised off of a general idea, not unlike some of the jazz I like best, and with elements of eastern music mixed in. I've always hoped I would be around one night when he was passing through NY, I wanted to see him do what he did, but I guess that ain't happening, dude's dead at 38 from a heart attack. I heard Thurston Moore attended his memorial in Phily the other day (JR was from Virginia). Life's too short and the good die too soon.


Bill Zink said...

I opened for him once and saw him two or three more times. Great guy as well as a great musician.

cajchai said...

Damn...I hadn't heard. Such a shame, so young. He's got a record due out on thrill jockey this spring...