Friday, December 4, 2009

Dubious Honor

Hope it's cool, but I'm calling out my main man and sometimes WWALT contributor Matty Varnish for designing an album cover on Pitchfork's 20 Worst Covers of 2009. Hahaha,

The only reason I can joke about that is because Varnish is actually a bad ass with a Grammy under his belt who has designed shit like this:

But then again, he did this!

OH FACE! Hahaha, Feel you Matthew.

Later everybody.


p.s. I picked up the Gaslamp Killer 10", it's pretty dope. I'll digitize it.


Gabino said...

I just need to let Varnish know that I have not illegally downloaded any of those albums, and I'm pretty sure I paid for that Roots one!

rootless said...

That Roots album might have been the last album I actually bought.