Sunday, August 31, 2008

Music w/o lyrics?

I've read a few comments that music with lyrics sucks, is lame ect. What exactly is this point of view? Is it that lyrics are lame, or singing is passe, over? I'm really not sure how this could be true, but maybe I'm missing something. What is the best Jay-Z record?


EJ said...

This is a touchy subject, I know. I am on the side of the fence of liking music better when there's no lyrics involved. I love music, I love the written word, but they have to fit perfectly to work together. As an instrument, I love the sound of the human voice. I don't think there's anything more intimate. I prefer singing, however, when there are no words or it's in a language that I don't understand; too often when I learn the right lyrics to a song it's disappointing.
To me, music is beautifully abstract and can be enjoyed on so many more levels when the words don't define what you're listening to. Sometimes I even find it limiting when the title of a song spells out too clearly what the song is supposed to be about.

Having said that, when music and words come together in a way that really works, it's just magic. But when that happens, I feel the music is being used to make the words stronger and more meaningful, rather than the words are being used to strengthen the music. The music is strongest on its own.
In an interview, Chris Wood (of Medeski Martin & Wood) explained it beautifully. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something like, "Words can cut off the music or they can open the music up, but they have to be amazing for it to work."

DC said...

This started as a joke between me and Hurewitz because he's always giving me stuff like "Death Cab of Cutie" and "Ryan Adams" and shit like that, saying "listen to the words in the second half of the third verse", etc. And more and more I gravitate away from shit like that so i made the grand statement "all bands with lyrics are gay".

However, obviously, i like lots of music with lyrics. I'm not going to list them all right now, though.

Also, I don't really check J-Hova, but i do have a few rap joints i was going to post about...