Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sco Jo

One CD that I got passed to me (that I would not have bought with real money in 100,000 years) is the new Scarlett Johansson joint. Hahaha, bet you didn’t expect to see that up here! I don’t even know what it’s called, I just been calling it the ScoJo joint.

My buddy passed it on to me in a music trade, and to my surprise… it didn’t suck! The fact that it is noteworthy that it achieved “doesn’t suck” status is a statement to how low the bar has been set by Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton (cover done by Varnish Studios, by the way), et al… or even Don Johnson in the 80’s or any other shitty album made by an actor or “celebrity”.

The music is pretty good, indie rock type stuff, sonically interesting. Her monotone vocals are at least slathered with reverb and delay, and it is all Tom Waits covers (?!?!!!) WTF?

So, for those reasons, plus apparently Dave Sitek of TV on the Radio produced some of it, I consider the existence of this CD noteworthy and thusly have posted on the blog.

Also gives me context to post this:

Stay up, bros.



Gabino said...

I want to peruse her files, all night........

rootless said...

Thanks for posting that photo, urgh, she is so hot. I checked out this album too and agree with DC, it doesn't suck.

Robin said...

Now, tell me why you really like it...

DC said...

hahaha, gabino, i can't let that slide. that was pretty bad.

"i want to rip my WAV files to her hardrive, if you catch my drift! I wouldn't mind converting her files to AAC!"

Gabino said...

Her kbps is extremely high, if you know where I'm coming from.....

DC said...

Why doesn't my picture show up next to my comment?

DC said...

just kidding, there it is

jj walker said...

fuck. who care how this record sounds.
when i see that phot, I go deaf.
Ohhhhh, Damn, I feel soooo good.