Friday, May 29, 2009

The first tape I ever really got into was Weird Al Yankovic "In 3-D". I bought that with my own money.

I think #2 was Sigue Sigue Sputnik (?). An older friend dubbed me a tape. I played that thing to death.

But then my main main, Little Matty Varnish, moved away from Illinois in 7th Grade to Missouri. But he got turned on to some new stuff... My man sent me a tape with "Dead Kennedys" on one side and "Dead Milkmen" on the other side, causing my mom to lament "Donny only listens to music with "dead" in the title!" It was "Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death" on one side and the Dead Milkmen joint was... I don't know, it was the one with "Beach Party Vietnam" and "Bitching Camero".

Dead Kennedys became my main shit in High School. I got real good at drawing the 3-d DK logo. I had all the tapes. I went and saw Jello Biafra speak one time. So last night at the club where my sweet band the Monastics had a gig I heard "Holiday Inn Cambodia" and I thought "I bet I could download that shit at some blog."

One "Captain Crawl" search later I found this cool blog with lots of old school punk 80's kind of stuff.

It also has the entire Dead Kennedys discography. Plus it's "Media Fire" or something and there is no 15 minute wait between downloads.

Get it.



Pete said...

Wow, thanks for the lead on that blog D.

Jim Turbert said...


rootless said...

I'm glad that post was a nostalgia thing and not only about Wierd Al, that would have been lame.

shadow of shathragot said...

I wanted this to only be about Wierd Al!

DC said...

Why you hating on Weird Al? Dude, Forbes said Weird Al is the 4th richest musician on the planet.