Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Random Thoughts

1) JT, how do you get those Odeo music links in your post?

2) Did anybody throw down the 30 day pass for Rapid Share? 16.99 Euros or whatever? Waiting those 45 seconds fucking kills me. And the 15 minutes between. It's like "Lost"... push the button every 300 seconds or whatever it is to keep the download train rolling along.

3) Am i really going to sell all my Sun Ra records on eBay to cover cost of the new Line 6 DL 4 Delay Modulator pedal I just bought? That hurts, yo. But i can go to that blog and download 150 Sun Ra LPs on MP3, so what the hell?!?!

4) Whatever happened to Matt Schwartz?

5) When is the new guy going to post?

6) When is Son of Sharthlagot (or whatever aka DAMON DEE) going to post about his Bali flute music?

That's all. DC OUT!



Jim Turbert said...

the odeo thing is slightly more complicated than it should be. i'm sure there is an easier way, but this is the way i discovered after a brief search. it's a bit of code that you can insert in the html. after inserting the code, you modify it to point to any mp3 (not aac, not wmp), but you have to know the address for the mp3. i have server space, so i just put it on there, but if you have a .mac, or similar online storage service you should be able to store it there as well. some places even offer 2gigs of free storage, and that is more than enough to post some mp3s on occasion.
i'll make a video tutorial later today or tomorrow because blogger is giving me a hard time about posting the html in the comments section.

T.J. said...

"...Waiting those 45 seconds fucking kills me. And the 15 minutes between. It's like "Lost"... push the button every 300 seconds or whatever it is to keep the download train rolling along."

Ha! That's so me.

For me personally, though, skipping the subscription will keep me from completely overloading.

shadow of shathragot said...

I'm still going through the U.K. dub/Ramsey Lewis blowout disc THe DZA sent. I dig the bass! I enjoy having 5-6 cds in constant rotation for a few weeks, then moving to new stuff. Having 20 gigs of music at once or 1000's of tracks to sort through I don't often have time for. Stay tuned. The SHZA

Gabino said...

The 15 minute waits are the only thing that's keeping it from taking over my life.

Gabino said...

Actually, I read someplace that if you disconnect from the internet and than reconnect you don't get stuck with the wait. Haven't tried it.

rootless said...

"The 15 minute waits are the only thing that's keeping it from taking over my life."

Absolutely agree. DC, don't do the subscription, it will ruin your life, my man.

DC said...

I want to get the 3 day pass for $5Euros and spend a long weekend with no sleep and just download my guts out.