Saturday, June 6, 2009

4 GB of Turkish music...

...still have to sift through all of it, but I will keep you posted. I've already heard some amazing amazing stuff, but I will relax about too many posts, assuming most of you guys don't really care one way or the other about Mehmet Ovek's inspired rendition of Roman Oyun Havasi or Tavas Zeybek.


Jim Turbert said...

I have some Erkin Koray, Les Mogol, Bulent and a comp called 26 Turkish Beat Psyche & Garage Delights. Generally, I am fond of all of it. The comp is the weakest of the group, but still kind of cool.
I'm interested to see what some of the stuff you have is. I have nowhere near 4 gigs of Turkish music, and mine is essentially 60's psych or thereabouts.

rootless said...

EJ getting all esoteric and shit..........

tarkan ikizler said...

yo must hear this; Mustafa Özkent Ve Orkestrası Gençlik İle El Ele, it is fantastic for 70's...