Friday, June 5, 2009

Pink Mountaintops

This is Rootless' favorite album ever, even more than Phoenix, Ryan Adams and MGMT.



Jim Turbert said...

I listened to this while making pancakes this morning.

disclaimer: my wife put it on. I made a playlist called "Marleen's New Favorites" because she is often daunted by the vastness of variety on the pod. Outside Love is on that playlist.

Disclaimer or no, I still like it. It's not in my heavy rotation or anything, but...

p.s. Ryan Adams is a pussy.

DC said...

I feel you 110% on the wife playlist. Robin likes whatever I play for the most part, but doesn't know the name of anything because I play DJ. She emailled me the other day "What's the name of that song that goes 'doo doo doooo... doo dee dooooo...', you know?"