Sunday, June 28, 2009


Don't have this, and I'm not much of a reunion guy, but I saw the boys on Jimmy Fallon last week and I got that special fuzzy Dinosaur Jr feeling that I thought I would never feel again. Anybody have an opinion on this? a link for pilfering? I thought the cool Ent cover was I nice tie in with DC's Bo Hansson LOTR jam.


Varnish Studio said...

gabino try this:

Gabino said...

HAHAHA, I assure you I have bought countless things from J Mascis & Co.

In fact I've bought so many crappy ones over the years (You know, back in the day when they were too esoteric for you to hear about, Mr Last) I almost feel like he owes me a good one for free.

Actually I would probably buy it, but like I said, I'm having a hard time believing it delivers the goods. I've bought tons of music bro, I'm hardly the biggest thief here...

T.J. said...

I gave it a listen a few weeks back. Easy pass for me.

I've never really been a fan, but I've admittedly never given them a full shot. Anything in particular you'd recommend?

Gabino said...

"You're Living All Over Me" & "Bug" are absolutely God-like, so much so that everything else sort of pales. Farm and the last one feature that original line up, hence the curiosity.

DC said...


RE: "I've bought tons of music bro"... 1) it's true, i've been on expeditions to Dusty Groove in Chicago with Gabe and he drops top dollar on those import joint, but 2) If you really want it, drop the $8.99, my bug; and 3)per TJ River, we aren't supposed to say "Bro" anymore, brody.

Gabino said...

Sorry, I'm in the midwest, Bro just got to me. How about Cuz?

ator said...

my vote for older stuff to check out would be "Where You Been".... i think that was a major peak for these guys.... Mascis' voice was getting creaky in an over-the-top but interesting way, the guitar solos were taken to a new level, but it still had great songwriting and a cohesiveness that some of their other stuff lack(s)(ed)

rootless said...

I was actually going to post something asking where to download this. I once bumped into J. Mascis waiting in line to cash a check in the early nineties at Baybank in Amherst, MA. I wonder if he still lives in his mom's basement?

So no one has that link? Damn. I'm basically through buying albums, but I'll pay good money to see bands I like perform.

Gabino said...

Jim Turbert said...

Ed or "K.Lastima" played with Mascis in Northampton. Ed, please elaborate on this. It is an amusing story.

shadow of shathragot said...

I saw Nirana open for Dinosaur in Tijuana, Mexico in 1991. I respect the guitar playing, but damn that crackly voice is not my thing.