Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Beatle White Albums

The Beatle White Album is very cool! "Helter Skelter"... rocking guitars!


DC said...

AARGH!! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

No more Beatles posts. It is the first ever WWALT rule.


Gabino said...


MPS said...

where's my finder's fee DC?

rootless said...

Hahaha, this is a joke no? I was going to post something like that about a classic rock album, maybe Hendrix.
.......The year was 1967, a young black man playing guitar left-handed took the world by storm with his outlandish playing, his wild outfits, and his manic stage antics. The world would never be the same again.......

EJ said...

If you MUST post about an album that everyone knows and everyone's heard 1000 times, at least write something new about it.

DC said...

MPS, are you who referred Big Steve? I honest can't keep track of that shit.

To both of you guys... I'm with EJ. posting a picture of an album cover isn't really "new thoughts on old classics". Unless you have something to say other than "the White Album is good", It's kind of like "no shit". Dig?

MPS said...

OK. I get it. Sheesh.