Friday, April 3, 2009

Best Album Ever?



EJ said...

life-changing? for sure. best album ever? nah. but it definitely changed the whole game. one of the most ground-breaking albums ever?

Gabino said...

It's up there, greatest from the digital/sampling era? No one has beat it at it's own game yet, that's for sure.

T.J. said...

I agree with you fellas. It was way ahead of the game back in '96... and it's still unrivaled.

The scene from Scratch with him in the record shop basement still gives me chills.

Do I have it correctly that it was the first album released that was composed entirely of samples?

Anyway. It's up there... way up there...

T.J. said...

DC said...

As for sample-based recordings that transcended their peers and really took the game up a notch, you got to give Dust Bros props for Paul's Boutique and Bomb Squad for Public enemy's "Nation of Millions"...

but Endtroducing was a whole other level.

shadow of shathragot said...

Not a chance. If you are talking about a specific genre, then give Shadow his due. This could take the top spot in a dj/electronic category, but let's not get carried away.

Ain't no way it's better than Thriller. Hey MJ may be a freak, but look at the track listing for that album. Sgt. Peppers anyone? Paranoid by Sabbath.

Pete said...

I actually have a good comp that has some of the original pieces as sampled by Shadow. A good listen for anyone who's listened to many times as I have.