Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Papercuts - You Can Have What You Want

Probably too much of a salad for DC's table, this has that sad/pretty/fuzzy Yo La Tengo or Damon & Naomi vibe I'm a complete sucker for. Also sounds a bit on the same 80's brit indie kick that Pains of Being Pure of Heart are all about, except not so over the top. Best thing I've heard in a couple weeks.


shadow of shathragot said...

G, I have some indie dream pop discs you'd like. Low, Swirlies, American Analog Set type stuff.

Gabino said...

That would be awesome, but I have so much new stuff right now I'm fit to burst. Let's do a trade in the summer. I'm assuming from your pic you also partake in the Metal, I need a Metal trading bro.