Friday, September 19, 2008

Sigur Ros

Saw Sigur Ros last night at this 80 year old theater way way uptown (175th and Broadway). I'm a fan but not a huge one, someone had a ticket and invited me along, but it was better than I expected. The skinny singer was pretty damn impressive, his high-pitched Nordic howl was really powerful and he totally hit all the notes. He also played guitar almost the whole time with a bow and heavy effects, really cool droney sound. Great light show and maybe the best acoustics of any venue I've been to in NY. Those guys really understand dynamics and one point they paused in the middle of one their songs and were just silent. The crowd at first clapped thinking it was over, then a few people yelled random things at the strange shift from huge volume to nothing. Then finally, with the band totally still, the crowd got it and thousands of people were totally silent for around 15 seconds before the band came back in with a wall of lush sound, best moment of the night.

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