Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Walkmen - You & Me

I'm sorry for posting so much, but I've been packing, and thus I have been listening to a lot of music. In a few days my computer will be boxed up along with the rest of my stuff. It will be crated and shipped over the ocean where I will not be able to access it for at least a month.
Today I offer the new Walkmen record. I really liked their first record, and I kind of assumed they'd fade away after that because they seemed to be intertwined with The Strokes. I figured that after the Strokes phenomenon subsided a bit, the other bands that rose to power with them would fade away as well. I remember a friend asking, "What happened to The Walkmen?" Another friend and I responded, "NOTHING!" in unison. Shortly after that they released their second record (Bows and Arrows), and I truly enjoyed that one, too. Boy did I feel dumb for doubting them. Now they've released this new one. It has a similar, though not tiresome feel to it. They utilize that open room reverby production quality. I am a sucker for that (almost) every time. The singer's delivery is both nonchalant and urgent, and that pairs nicely with the dramatic yet commonplace subject matter and overall vibe of the songs. If you happen to be amongst those who find lyrics and singer's deplorable, there is one instrumental on there, but it's only a minute long.  You could try to pretend there are no words.  It would still be good without them.  
Selecting a sample track was a difficult decision to make.  Not the words or no words part.  It was difficult to choose a song.  I have opted to post a sample track with lyrics. It is called On the Water.


JKP said...

i like this record too. the guitars are not in your face and care has taken to keep the sound open, undercompressed and genuine. don't know squat about them but when i don' skip through 80% of a record while i'm running I know it's s good thing.

ator said...

Alright, what's the deal with these guys? What do they sound like? What's the big deal?

I usually tune out the latest flavor-of-the-month, but if I continue to hear good things, it's hard not to be curious. From what Ive read, seems like the Walkmen could be more than just another hype cycle....

rootless said...

This was a really useful post for me. I've got one album by this band but it's been lost my 200+ gigs and I've been meaning to check them out. I'm listening to "Everyone who pretended to like me is gone" and it's cool, now I'll check out this new album because I liked that track.